Wheal Jane Group


Water Treatment Plant

The company provides services and facilities to the mine water treatment plant operated by John F Hunt Regeneration Ltd on behalf of the Coal Authority. We also manage the storage of residue from the plant within the site. Wheal Jane...

Statutory and Legislatory Controls and Framework

The company ensures that all operations and activities at Wheal Jane meet European and UK legislation and fulfils all local planning conditions applied by Cornwall Council. Wheal Jane Ltd was the first business in the UK to complete all aspects...

Imported Material

Material imported to the site is re-used in embankment construction and for remediation purposes. This recycling activity ensures that the containment facility remains available to the water treatment plant long-term whilst progressively remediating the facility through reprofiling and landscaping of...

On Site Services

In managing the site, the company is also able to provide services to the growing community of Earth Science businesses operating on the site as part of the Wheal Jane Masterplan. These services include electrical, mechanical, maintenance, landscaping and construction....

Certified Recycled Aggregates

Here at Wheal Jane, we understand that time is money for all our customers, and whilst we have always provided a fast, efficient service on our recovery facility, we saw an opportunity to offer an improved service to our clients....
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